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Jonatan Bernstein Burglarized the HNR office in 2008 to stole the Nurses Time Sheets and at a later date, he submitted the stolen record to the court. A police report filed by Harry’s Nurses Registry is here


To view the stolen timesheets, click here.


According to the exhibits that the private attorney-prepared and the court accepted can be found here. The question arises that can a private attorney authorized to prepare the exhibits to determine the overtime for the nurses? Can the court accept such documents and rule in accordance? What is then, in addition, the role of the department of labor? It is clear that a private attorney has no authority to prepare an exhibit, and in the meantime, the court should not accept such valueless exhibits but only the department of labor can conduct an audit and determine the violation of section 29 U.S.C.A 206, 207, and 255 towards enforcing section 29 U.S.C.A 216 (b).


Fake Exhibit

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