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Chief Labor Standards Investigator
Department of Labor
W. Avereil Harriman State Office Campus
Building 12, Room 532, Albany, NY 12240

Case: USQ3 2010015248 Investigation Findings

Investigation File

Maura McCann’s investigations

List of employees (PART 1)

List of employees (PART 2)



Eliot Spitzer, Governor

M.Patricia Smith, Commissioner


247 WEST 54th STREET, 6th FL.

NEW YORK, N.Y. 10019

April 16, 2007

Willie Evans

217 West 127th Street, Apt #13A

New York, NY 10027

Re: Case# 03-06-0774 vs. Harry’s Nurses Registry


Dear Mr. Evans:

On your original claim form, you stated that you were employed as a Nurse (LPN) for Harry’s Nurses Registry. Please answer the following questions regarding your work for Harry’s Nurses Registry:

  1. 1. Was your work bg supervised by anyone? If yes, who supervised you and what type of supervision did you receive?
  2. Were you required to work specific hours?
  3. Who sets the rate of pay for services performed?
  4. Did you receive any fringe benefits, such as vacation, holiday pay, sick pay, etc., while employed at Harry’s Nurses Registry?
  5. Do you have any business cards with your name on them? If so, were they supplied by

Harry’s Nurses Registry? If this is applicable, please supply me with one of these cards.

  1. Were you reimbursed for any of your expenses?
  2. Did you have to submit any invoices for the work you completed?
  3. Was there a written contract between you and Harry’s Nurses Registry for the work to be done?

In addition, on your claim form, you stated that you worked 6 am to 8 pm 7 days a week during the period of 11/1/06 to 11/30/06. The records your former employer provided to me does not seem to validate this cla.Un. If you have any pay stubs showing your hours worked for the aforementioned period, please send them to me at the address, listed above.

(Continued on Page 2)

Telephone (212) 621-9367 Fax (2 I 2) 621-0826



Case 1:07-cv-04672-NGG-MO’G· Document 105-3 Filed 07/20/l<JPage 3 of 49 PageiD #: 1185


Finally, on your Claim form, you stated that you were paid an hourly wage of$21/br. On the records provided to me by your former employer, however, it seems that you were paid $20/br on some shifts and $21/br on others. Was workers compensation being deducted from your paychecks? Please indicate to me your correct hourly wage.

Your failure to respond to my questionS by April 30, 2007 will result in our closing your case due to non-cooperation.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at the phone number listed below.

Very Truly Yours,

Pierre Magloire

Labor Standards Investigator

Telephone (212) 621-9367

Fax (212) 621-0826



case 1:07-cv-04672-NGG-MOG. Document 105-3 Filed 07/20/10.—Page 4 of 49 PageiD #: 1186

New York State Department of Labor

Eliot Spitzer, Governor

  1. Patricia Smith, Commissioner



NEW YORK, N.Y. 10013

December 4, 2007

Harry’s Nurses Registry

Attn: Harry Dorvilier

88-25 163nl Street ·

Jamaica, NY 11432

Re: 03-06-0774 vs. Harry’s Nurses Registry


Dear Mr. Dorvilier,.

On 3/23/07 I visited your premises in order to perform a records inspection. I met with your bookkeeper, Men Chak. Ms. Chak informed me that she was unaware that a records inspection was scheduled for that day; therefore, no records were made available to me.

Section 661 of the NYS Labor Law requires that employers furnish records upon our request Accordingly, we are requesting that you provide weekly payroll records of all employees who work at the location referenced above. These records must show each employee’s daily hour’s worked (including time in/out), wage rate, gross wages, deductions, and net wages. These records must cover the period of3/23/05 to 3/23/07.

Please provide these records to us at om office located at the address listed at the top of this letter. These records must be received no later than December 18, 2007. For your convenience, you may mail these records to us.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at the phone number listed below.

Very Truly Yours,

Pierre Magloire

Labor Standards Investigator


Telephone{212) 775-3682

Fax (212) 775-3375



7 .4CJ4 – Docume,W: §I Md’Hf/20/10 ·’Page 5 of 49 PageiD ‘1°!89°3



225 Broadway, Suite 1405

New York, New York 10007

Telephone (212) 385-0066 * Telefax: (212) 385-2117

December 14, 2007

VJA FACSIMILE (212) 775-3375


Mr. Pierre Magloitc

Labor Standards Investigator

New York State Department of Labor

Division of Labor Standards

75 Varick Street, 711t Floor

New York, New York 10013

Re: 03-06-0774 v.Harry’s Nurses Registry


Dear Mr.Magloire:

This .finn represents Harry’s Nurses Registry (”Harry’s,”). Reference is made to your letter dated December 4, 2007 (copy enclosed). Harry’s is seeking guidance as to 1he specific records sought to be inspected by the Department of Labor. In this regard, please inform the

undersigned whether the Department of Labor seeks only those records relating to Harry’s full­

time employees, or whether it wishes to inspect the records relating to the independent

contractors registered with Harry’s a.s welL

Please contact the undersigned upon receipt of this letter to coordinate production of the

records required by your office.



cc: Mr. Harry Dorvilier



121C’7a:’ ‘i cff..cV-:oitfi’2-NGG-MOG Document 105-3 Filed 07/20/10 – f3lage 7 of 49 PageiD !4l:Off89

New York State Department of Labor

Eliot Spitiler, Governor

  1. Patricia Smith, Commissioner



NEW YORK, N.Y. 10013

December 18, 2007

Dealy & Silbe.-stein, LLP

Attn: Milo Silberstein

225 Bro way suite 1405

New York, NY 10007

Re: 03-06-0774 vs. Harry’s Nurses Registry


Dear Ms. Silberstein,

In response to your letter dated December 14, 2007, we are no longer requesting that your client,

Harry’.s Nurses Registry, submit payroll records to us. As a result of OVerti.nle complaints filed by employees Willie Evans and Men Fan Chak, we investigated Harry’s Nurses Registry. Upon review of  Mr. Evans claims. it was determined that he was not elig1ble for OT at a wage rate of one and one-half times his regular rate; thus, his case was.closed.

However, an underpayment of $2561 was computed for Ms. Chak. During the period of 111106 to9/1/06, Ms. Chak was not compensated at the OT rate (as described above) for all OT her worked. As proof of her claims, Ms. Chak. provided us with photocopies of her pay stubs along

with her time cards for the aforementioned period.

Therefore, enclose is a Recapitulation Sheet in the amount of $2,561.

Continued on Page 2


Telephone (212) 775-3082


Fu (212) 775-3375



Of:c#-t\ Document 105-3 Filed 07/20/lO’t:>age 8 of 49 Page ?\\go

New York State Department of Labor

Eliot Spitzer, Governor

M\ Patricia Smith, Commissioner



Failure to pay wages is a criminal as well as a civil violation of Article 6 of New York State Labor Law. In addition officers of the corporation and representatives who violate the law subject themselves to prosecution in Criminal Court as well as to civil action entailing the assessment of interest at the rate of 16 % commencing on the date of the violation and penalties LLP to 200% on the unpaid wages.

Please remit your check payable to the Commissioner of Labor in the amount of $2.561 no later than January 16, 2007 in order to avoid further legal action, including the imposition of interest and penalties as designed above.

Very Truly Yours

Pierre Magloire

Labor Standards Investigator


CC: Harry’s Nurses Registry


Telephone (212) 775-3682


Fax (212) 775-3375




l(Z Z.®V-<l f GG-MDG–Document 105-3 Filed 07/20/10 Page 9 of 49 pageid #: 1191



225 Broadway, Suite 1405

  • New York, New York 10007

Telephone (212) 385-0066 * Telefax: (212) 385-2117

December 26, 2007

VIA FACSIMILE f212) 775-3375


Mr. Pierre Magloire

Labor Standards Investigator

New York State Department of Labor

Division of Labor Standards

75 Varick Street, 7m Floor

New YorNew York 10013

Re: 03·06-0774 v. Harry’s Nunes Registry


Dear Mr. Magloire,

As you are aware, this firm repreSents Harry’s Nurses Registry (“Harry’s’) in the referenced matter. Reference is made to your letter dated December 18, 2007 (copy enclosed). It would be helpful to the undersigned if you could send me the basis upon which you determined that Men Fan Chak is eligible for overtime and that Willie Evans is not eligible for overtime. compensation.

Please contact the undersigned at your convenience.


Your courtesy is appreciated.



cc: Mr. Harry Dorvilier

Larry Lebowitz, Esq.

Milo Silberstein

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