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Recital Harassment’s by the Court and Private Attorney

On April 22, 2021, in Uncategorized, by admin

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is a landmark civil rights and labor law in the United States that outlaws discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, and later sexual orientation and gender identity. However, the rights sometimes never see the light! Harry’s Nurses Registry Inc. and its corporation officer Mr. Harry Dorvilier […]

Violation of the Due Process of Law of HNR by Private Attorney

On April 8, 2021, in Uncategorized, by admin

  Due process is basically a legal requirement that no citizen be deprived of their legal rights without proper application of the law. In other words, under due process, a person cannot have their property seized or be put in jail without first going through the legal system to determine if they are guilty of […]

The Court Has Refused to Review a Scheme Case

On February 10, 2021, in Uncategorized, by admin

In a recent event, Harry’s Nurses Registry Inc. filed a motion against the poignant injustice and to vacate all the entered judgments since 2009 in order to get remedy of injustice. However, the judges failed to prudent and incredulously refused to open for hearing purposes. Such action indicates the repression of well-being and justice. In […]

Ripping off by Attorneys, Misrepresentation & Misinterpretation Laws

On January 27, 2021, in Uncategorized, by admin

A number of attorneys across the country are ripping off their clients by misrepresentation and misinterpreting laws, particularly labor law. Since the establishment of the Fair Labor Standard Act-1938, hundreds of thousands of employer has been affected by section 216 (b). It is on record that former senator Forest C. Donnell sponsored to revise aforesaid […]

Jonathan Bernstein & Federal Judge Sifton- Scheme Under 29 U.S.C. 216 (a)

On November 24, 2020, in Uncategorized, by admin

Jonathan Bernstein and Federal Judge Sifton Enforcement of a Scheme Under the Section 29 U.S.C. 216 (a) People vs Harry Dorvilier and Harry’s Nurses Registry inc.  This harassment narrative pertains to a situation by the government harassment against Harry Dorvilier and Harry’s Nurses Registry (HNR). Mr. Dorvilier paid $25,000.00 for 13 nurses, and […]

Jonatan Bernstein Burglarized the HNR office

On October 5, 2020, in Uncategorized, by admin

Jonatan Bernstein Burglarized the HNR office in 2008 to stole the Nurses Time Sheets and at a later date, he submitted the stolen record to the court. A police report filed by Harry’s Nurses Registry is here.    To view the stolen timesheets, click here.   According to the exhibits that the private attorney-prepared and […]

29 U.S.C._216(b) does not provide a private right of action to Emp.

On October 2, 2020, in Uncategorized, by admin

The Court should clarify that 29 U.S.C. § 216(b) does not provide a private right of action to an employee The Court should clarify that 29 U.S.C. § 216(b) does not provide a private right of action to an employee until the employer is found to have violated “the provisions of section 206 or section […]

Out of Subject Matter Jurisdiction: Both in State and Federal Court

On August 15, 2020, in Uncategorized, by admin

Both cases against Harry’s Nurses Registry, Inc. are out of the jurisdiction in federal and state court, only the US Department of the labor and the IRS can use these code after a violation 29 U.S.C  206, 207  and 255 then they will automatically turn to the dept of justice   1.24.2020    1.24.2020 (2)   […]

Scheme by a group and the Federal Court Cover up the Schemers

On August 10, 2020, in Uncategorized, by admin

Cherilyn Williams West was the supervisor at Harry’s Nurses Registry Inc and responsible for hiring the nurses. She hires a nurse named Claudia Gayle who is her friend. After a few months, an investigation indicates that Claudia Gayle doesn’t have a valid identity, license, and social security number. She also uses a different name. Cherilyn […]

Malicious Prosecution by State Insurance Board

On July 23, 2020, in Uncategorized, by admin

Harry’s Nurses Registry Inc. (HNR) officially requested the cancellation of its insurance policy with the state insurance board on May 29, 2007, and subsequently purchased a new policy from AIG. Given these circumstances, the state insurance board was not in a position to exercise authority or jurisdiction over HNR’s Workers’ Compensation fund. Despite this, the […]