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Judge Pamela K. Chen put an injunction against Harry’s Nurses Registry Inc. while she denied summary judgment in favor of HNR in McFarlane v. Harry’s Nurses Registry Inc. and its corporate officer Harry Dorvilier (I: I 7-cv-06350-PKC-PK). On the other hand, judges from Gayle v. Harry’s Nurses Registry Inc (1:07-cv-04672-NGG-PK) and Isigi v. Harry’s Nurses Registry et al (1:16-cv-02218-FB-SMG) cases misinterpreted the labor law in their judgment. This indicates double standards in the judge’s stands.


File:Pamela K Chen.png - Wikipedia


In accordance with Labor law, the case Gayle v. Harry’s Nurses Registry Inc. should have never existed due to the violation of law by Gayle’s lawyer Jonathan Bernstein who bypassed the standard process of the labor law. Labor law requires identifying probable cause and collecting consent by the Department of Labor or IRS. However, it was never followed. As a result, the court should have never issued a docket number in the Gayle Case.


Complaints against Private Attorney Jonathan Bernstein who maliciously prosecuted 2456.29-U.S.A. 216(b).



Click here to read the complaints against the scammer.

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