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Department of Labor shall initiate an investigation that will lead to an audit. After conducting an audit and identify the violation of section 29 U.S.C. § 206 and 207, the department of labor shall proceed towards section 29 U.S.C. § 216 (b) for the judiciary implications by preparing consent from all prospective plaintiffs. Consents shall be completed before cased being filed. Here is the consent of the plaintiffs.

Consent of the case

Crouch et al v. Guardian Angel Nursing, Inc. et

Afterward, the judiciary shall proceed for summons and complaints toward judgment. Here are the summons and complaints of Crouch v. Guardian Angel Nursing Inc.

Summons and complaints 


Every case shall have the satisfaction of judgment by the federal court, here is the satisfaction of the judgment of Crouch v. Guardian Angel Nursing Inc.


Satisfaction of judgment 


Final judgment


Judy Crouch v Guardian Angel final judgment

Crouch v. Guardian

This case is not a scheme because the consent was done by the department of labor and signed by the plaintiffs before the case was filed. This case also has the satisfaction of judgment accordingly while, Gayle v. Harry’s nurses registry has no consent from the department of labor under 29 U.S.C. § 216(b) and satisfaction of the judgment.

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