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In a recent event, Harry’s Nurses Registry Inc. filed a motion against the poignant injustice and to vacate all the entered judgments since 2009 in order to get remedy of injustice. However, the judges failed to prudent and incredulously refused to open for hearing purposes. Such action indicates the repression of well-being and justice. In a repercussion, the defendant Harry Dorvilier, on behalf of Harry’s Nurses Registry Inc. expressed insinuation, unambiguously refused such orders, and argued for remedial attention from the federal government in order to prevent the recursive events in the future.  He also argued that confronting law against the responsible agencies will lead to volatility that would be detrimental ostensibly.


An impersonated private attorney who has been involving in filling schemes ambiance with some other individuals across the country and by influencing the court in this event has transcended the limit of such activities. It is time for all the attorneys and officials to revamp from the catastrophic engagement that perished the faith of employers.


Having looked into the flurry of events, the court entered a judgment against the defendant’s appeal in January 2020. In January 2021, the defendant filed a motion against the oppression of thirteen years by the private attorney and the court; unfortunately, the court refused to open the case for hearing. This bizarrely ordered is deceits and treacherous to the law of the country. At this point, correlations are indeed and to be blitzed enticingly. However, the same court ordered in favor of the plaintiff attorney’s motion for attorney’s fees in July 2020 which is contradictory against the refusal order against the defendant.


Motion for attorney’s fees

Order of Approval of Attorney’s fees (Isigi)

Order of Approval of Attorney’s fees (Gayle)

Recommendation of Attorney’s fees (Gayle)

Stealing money from the account


A Motion to Discover the Scheme is Denied by the Court


On 13th January, Attorney George A. Rusk filed a motion on behalf of Harry’s Nurses Registry Inc. and corporate manager Harry Dorvilier to discover the scheme conducted by private attorney Jonathan Bernstein and the court. Unfortunately, it never sees the light since the court recursively refused to give any chances to the victim to be avoided a stirring event nationwide. Please read the submitted motion below:

Brief for Recall Mandate and Oversize Brief

Exhibit A HNR Memorandum of Law to Support Motion to Vacate

Exhibit One

1080 and Affirmation for Motion to Reinstate and Recall Mandate

1080 and Motion to File Oversize Brief

CAMP Order second circuit

Form C

Appellant’s Acknowledgment

letter notice of motion to reinstate open file status


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